Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Road Less Travled

Being pasionate about your job is extreamly important in living a happy life. When spending 30-40years in a career you dont like it can only lead to unhappyness and pain. My mother and father both enjoy their jobs and are relitivly happy at there workplace. Work is not work if you enjoy it. I am currently unsure on what career I will chose but I am sure I will have pleanty of fun doing it. An ideal job for me would be one that has summers off or a long vacation time in that season, I would also want to make sure I get paid a good salary so I can travle and buy a sick boat. When I was young I was planning on becoming a paleontologist and digging up dinosaur bones. Another career that I was interested in was being a dentist, I have chosen not to pursue this career because of the amount of sciences in university it requires. I am planning on attending Okanagan collage and then a university. I am hoping to broden my horizons and find a fun filled career enjoyable for the rest on my life.

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