Monday, February 7, 2011

If I had any superpower

If I had any superpower I would have the power to go back in time. If you were having trouble in your life you could time travel to the time were the trouble started, and fix the problem. You would also have incredible knowledge of the history of the human race and even our planet I would go to important events in our history and prevent terrible things from happening. I would also travel to prehistoric ages and hunt dinosaurs. I would also make a stop during the time of the cave man. I would make fun of how stupid they are become there leader. The medieval ages would be extremely fun; I would make sure that I went down in history as an incredibly noble knight who was victorious in countless battles. I would also fix things in my past that I wish I could change. An example would be starting to play basketball at an earlier age. Today I would be a much better and more experienced player. I would also time travel back to summer and do that repeatedly so would always be in summer. This power is much superior to every other power because you have control over everything. With great power comes great responsibility.

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