Wednesday, March 9, 2011

new 14. best thing in life

The best thing in life is boating in the summer with friends. When the water is like glass and the sun is bright, little to no clouds cover the sky. Wake surfing is what we do, Surfing the endless wave. The large crowds of people fill the boat weighing it down; resulting in what is an overpowering tsunami of fun. Talking with people on the boat makes boating great. The cameraman who snaps countless photos makes these memories last forever. It is like nothing else in the world. You can spend an eternity out there, on the lake, it’s relaxing, letting the wave push you along. Watching new surfers try this amazing event for the first time can be amusing. The Spectacular falls and bails fill the boat with laughter. Nobody cares for we all remember our first time walking on water and how difficult and hilarious it had been. The good memories of summer flow through the minds, remembering these good times. Being with friend, in glorious weather, in the most wonderful place on earth, is truly the best thing in life. 

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