Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Road Less Travled

Being pasionate about your job is extreamly important in living a happy life. When spending 30-40years in a career you dont like it can only lead to unhappyness and pain. My mother and father both enjoy their jobs and are relitivly happy at there workplace. Work is not work if you enjoy it. I am currently unsure on what career I will chose but I am sure I will have pleanty of fun doing it. An ideal job for me would be one that has summers off or a long vacation time in that season, I would also want to make sure I get paid a good salary so I can travle and buy a sick boat. When I was young I was planning on becoming a paleontologist and digging up dinosaur bones. Another career that I was interested in was being a dentist, I have chosen not to pursue this career because of the amount of sciences in university it requires. I am planning on attending Okanagan collage and then a university. I am hoping to broden my horizons and find a fun filled career enjoyable for the rest on my life.

Monday, June 6, 2011

55 word story

I heard I was writing a  story in 55 words, I thought it would be easy. I thought for a wile and I realized how short 55words are and how short life is. My childhood has passed and ill be retired before I know it. Life is short, as well as a 55 word story.

Friday, May 20, 2011

review of Ronix One Board

The One is an incredible board, its no wonder Ronix wakeboard chose it for there showcase board. The One board come in two options, the standard wake edition in white, and the ATR edition in black and yellow. This special edition is used for rails, sliders and jumps. Its extra durable because of its sintered base material allowing it to be stronger without sacrificing speed on the water. The ATR edition comes with standard fins as-well as slider fins for use of cable parks. The One board is also equipped with the new Krypto Cable, allowing the board extra strength and flex. This cable surrounds the edge of the board making the sides its strongest point rather than weakest. Its stunning new graphic is mind-boggling. Its not a surprise that people who don't wakeboard, result in buying this product for sheer art purposes. This board also has a thin profile reducing swing weight, making it a joy to ride. its three-stage rocker sends riders soaring into the atmosphere. Because of its variety of sizes, this board is available to almost anyone. Wake-boarding is a relatively new sport, the Ronix One has evolved the way of riding yet again.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

watchmen blog

Superheroes have evolved over the years in a variety of ways. Super man who was created in about 1933 wearing really tight pants and shirt with a bright red S on his shirt would draw much attention to himself; he would need to take extra care to hide his identity. Wolverine on the other hand looks more normal and rugged. He was portrayed in X-men origins to have been a tough woodsman and would blend into a crowd not drawing attention to him self. He wears no mask unlike batman and Spiderman who conceal there identity. In the book watchmen there are a variety of characters, all having super powers. This group of superheros was created in 1986 and took place during the cold war. Superheroes are here to help, they may not be real but they have morals and can prove to be someone to look up to if needed.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Review of my wakesurf

The Liquid Force Custom Thruster is an amazing Wakesurf. The light weight design truly brings out the best of Wakesurfing. This 4.6 board is the perfect size for doing tricks and carving. This board has a 3 fin set up superior tracking off the bottom and quicker edge to edge transition. It is nice to ride and fits rider weight up to 200lbs. The colour is a classic surfboard white and has a rainbow edge surrounding the border of the vessel. This board may look great and perform supreme excellence but it lacks durability. Last summer I purchased this board, within the first month it had a slight gash witch lead into a water filled crack, weighting it down by the tens of pounds. This proved to be a major flaw in the construction of this board. The company should put a protective layer to defend it from harm. When using this board one must give it tender loving care. This board may be excellent in weight and speed but lack the necessary durability of what a Wakesurf needs to last more than a few months of riding.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

perception is everything

In the presentation by Beau Otto on optical illusions he states that what we see is not necessarily real. Every one my see that same thing but be influenced and notice it in different ways. The colour blue for someone could really be someone else’s red, but have been taught that it’s called blue.  If everyone saw the same thing interpreting it in the same way we as humans would be identical and indifferent. Our world would be boring. In his presentation he has a swarm of bee’s collecting honey from different circles shawn with different colours. The bees were tricked by the illusion and the shadows to get honey from different coloured circles then from what they did in the past. The media in our society influences us dramatically. Photoshop can create illusions and make our minds think differently and make decisions based on something that is not necessarily true. In our world today people need to be careful what they believe because not everything is what we think it is.

By Lev

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Perils of Indifference

The risk of no concern

The horrifically surprising ending in the story "the lottery" demonstrates how power in numbers can truly influence normal people’s way of thought. The dramatic conclusion of this story sheds light on how terrible crimes can be committed. In this situation people knew that someone would die. They were only concerned for there selves. They were focused on how they were not getting killed and not how terrible this event truly is. This situation relates to the holocaust. People during the age of this sickening time in our history knew what was happening to the Jews. Yet people did nothing. People may have thought that it’s not affecting me so I don’t need to do anything about it. The situation soon got carried away and Hitler needed to be stopped. Roughly ten million people were killed during this terrible event. People are scared to stand out. Normal people turn bad in situations like these. In Elie Wiesel's speech she spoke about how people tend to want to be indifferent, be the same as everyone in the group. They are followers not doing what there heart tells them, only what is expected. All of these works, people are not caring for others and being selfish, perhaps the day will come where our nabour is thought of first, before ourselves.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

new 14. best thing in life

The best thing in life is boating in the summer with friends. When the water is like glass and the sun is bright, little to no clouds cover the sky. Wake surfing is what we do, Surfing the endless wave. The large crowds of people fill the boat weighing it down; resulting in what is an overpowering tsunami of fun. Talking with people on the boat makes boating great. The cameraman who snaps countless photos makes these memories last forever. It is like nothing else in the world. You can spend an eternity out there, on the lake, it’s relaxing, letting the wave push you along. Watching new surfers try this amazing event for the first time can be amusing. The Spectacular falls and bails fill the boat with laughter. Nobody cares for we all remember our first time walking on water and how difficult and hilarious it had been. The good memories of summer flow through the minds, remembering these good times. Being with friend, in glorious weather, in the most wonderful place on earth, is truly the best thing in life. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

walk a paragraph

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Whats that terrible noise? Oh its the alarm. I frantically leaped out of bed, and hop into the shower. I have been looking forward to today for a month. My son is visiting with his newly born baby boy, Norman. I then frantically dressed myself and tied my rugged old hiking shoes, hair still wet and glasses sprawled on my face. the shopping list clenched in my hand, I rushed to the rusted old Honda civic, I'm on a mission. Save on foods the store of wonders and mysterys. enough food to feed thousands. my wife is making a grand dinner and I must be back with the nessesary items within the hour. my wife is quite the lady, a perfectionist to be put mildly. hahahah. The list is full of crazy foods, papiya, lobster, beats, turnits, yams, and jello are just a mear fraction of what is nessesary for the meal my wife wants to create. Its snowing today making the raods dangerous. the blinding blizzard makes travle hazerdous. I have to be patient if I want to make it home safe.

Monday, February 28, 2011


There are many skills needed in life after the completion of school. An important skill to have is communication with other people. Understanding feelings and why they do things can be very important. Another skill is responsibility, to be giving a situation and to know what’s right from what wrong. Learning from your mistakes, and taking responsibility because you want to, not because you have to. Being self motivated, if you want to learn something rather then learning it because the school said you did.

Many of these skills I have learned from my parents. School has tests that force you to learn something. I only learn these things for that reason. I have forgotten much of what I have been taught in school, but I have remembered maybe things that interest me. School now is not about becoming a responsible adult; it is about cramming in as much information as possible, plus more.

Kids would start school at an older age. kids when there 6 and 7 years old, all they want to do is play and have fun, so they could go to "school" but not be taught reading, writing math and things until there older.  At the older age the basics of reading and writing math ect would be introduced. These skills would be taught not for the purpose of memorizing facts and equations but so the kids come home with something that can help them self’s in the real world. Kids would also specialize in different things like sciences and art depending on what there motivated in. all students would have to take PE to ensure a healthy fitness level. In this new system kids would find learning to be fun and motivating.

My plans for next year are to attend Okanagan College. I plan to take a geography course and some other general courses. I plan to have as much fun as possible and try new things. I am still unsure on what I am going to do for a carrier, but I will be sure to enjoy what ever I get into.

Monday, February 7, 2011

If I had any superpower

If I had any superpower I would have the power to go back in time. If you were having trouble in your life you could time travel to the time were the trouble started, and fix the problem. You would also have incredible knowledge of the history of the human race and even our planet I would go to important events in our history and prevent terrible things from happening. I would also travel to prehistoric ages and hunt dinosaurs. I would also make a stop during the time of the cave man. I would make fun of how stupid they are become there leader. The medieval ages would be extremely fun; I would make sure that I went down in history as an incredibly noble knight who was victorious in countless battles. I would also fix things in my past that I wish I could change. An example would be starting to play basketball at an earlier age. Today I would be a much better and more experienced player. I would also time travel back to summer and do that repeatedly so would always be in summer. This power is much superior to every other power because you have control over everything. With great power comes great responsibility.